Sunday, 9 May 2021



(1) to look for - शोधणे

He was looking for his lost mobile.

(2) to look after - ची काळजी घेणे  (March -2023)

We should look after our parents.

(3) to take care ofची काळजी घेणे (Sept-2021)

We should take care of our health.

(4) to run away - पळून जाणे (March. 2020)

The thief ran away from jail.

(5) to be proud of - चा अभिमान असणे

I am proud of my country.

(6) to be afraid of - ची भिती वाटणे 

Gauri is afraid of darkness.

(7)  to be fond of - ची आवड असणे 

He is fond of playing cricket.

(8) to be good at - च्यामध्ये तरबेज असणे  

He is good at sports and games.

(9) to be eager to - उत्सुक असणे 

The children are eager to see the circus.

(10) to be famous for - च्या साठी प्रसिद्ध असणे 

Shivaji was famous for his bravery.

(11) to be unable to - असमर्थ असणे 

He was unable to appear for the exam because of his illness.

(12) in front of - च्या समोर

My house is in front of my school.

(13) to get rid of - च्या पासून सुटका करणे

He got rid of the bad company.

(14) to be known as - ओळखले जाणे (March. 2020)

Dr. Abdul Kalam is known as Missile Man.

(15) in a flashक्षणार्धात (in a moment) 

It was done in a flash.

(16) to be known for - च्यासाठी प्रसिद्ध असणे (be famous for)  

Amitabh is known for his acting.

(17) to be engrossed in - च्यामध्ये व्यग्र/मग्न होणे/ च्यामध्ये दंग/मग्न असणे (to occupied in)   

He was engrossed in the conversation with his friend.

(18) to muster up courage धैर्य एकवटणे          

I mustered up courage to fight with tiger.

(19) to belongs to - च्या मालकीचे असणे, चा घटक असणे

He belongs to the royal family.

(20) bring up - संगोपन करणे/पालन पोषण करणे

  She has decided to bring up the orphan as her own child.

(21) break down
My car broke down yesterday.

(22) to give up -सोडून देणे/त्याग करणे/थांबविणे (August-2022)

   He gave up his bad habits.

(23) to be a part and parcelअविभाज्य अंग/घटक असणे              

It had become a part and parcel of their daily life.

(24) to root out काढून टाकणे /मूळापासून काढून टाकणे   

It is necessary to root out the evils from the society.

(25) to be able to - समर्थ असणे 

Radha is able to speak English fluently.

(26) in search of च्या शोधार्थ      

He was in search of a new job.

(27) instead of - च्या ऐवजी

Anil stayed home all day instead of going to work.

(28) to ponder overच्यावर चिंतन करणे      

The artist pondered over his idea for a long time.

(29) to ask forमागणे /मागणी करणे (March. 2019)

He came into my office to ask for a loan.

(30) a lot of     (July. 2019)

There is a lot of noise in the class.

(31) in order to - च्या करिता , च्या हेतूने 
He worked hard in order to achieve success.

(32) to show off - देखावा करणे/प्रदर्शन करणे (November -2020)                                                                                            

He likes to show off his knowledge.


  1. Your work is always inspiration to us sir.You made our work easy with your hard work.Your innovative ideas are fruitful and hardik to all teachers. Hats off to your work. Thank you.

  2. Excellent Work Sir Ji
    Useful for everyone 🙏

  3. Excellent collection for practice

  4. Nice collection. Have to add more phrases in the list . Thanks 🙏

  5. Excellent collection. Very useful

  6. Very useful ,at a glance🙏

  7. It's very useful for both the students and teachers.🙏🏻
